Steve's Cobra

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June 3-4, 2000 - Steve Shaffer, the other FFR builder in town is almost finished building his car, FFR #1825K..  He was buffing out the fantastic blue paint job when I visited him on Saturday.  When I stopped by on Sunday, the body was on the car, and WOW did it look good!  Steve was not out there when I went over there on Sunday, but I snapped a few pictures of his beautiful work in progress.  I'll post more when Steve's Cobra is completed.  But here's a teaser just to give you an idea of the great paint and overall attention to details...

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July 2, 2000 - Steve Shaffer finished FFR #1825K and got it on the road.  Steve wasted no time in putting his blue Cobra on display.  His Cobra was definitely the 'Belle of the Ball' at the Fairmont July 4th holiday weekend picnic and cruise.  Great job Steve! 

steve2.JPG (63366 bytes)    steve3.JPG (78026 bytes)


Here's another picture involving Steve's FFR.  On this day, we had three of them on my driveway at one time if you include my work in progress!  The car in the foreground is a 'Classic' kit owned by Bob Wells.

threecobras.jpg (78735 bytes)

© Wade's Cobra Site. All Rights Reserved. This site is in no way affiliated with Ford, Shelby, or any other companies on this site that own a trademark.

*Note* The Factory Five 427 kit is not an original 1965 427 Cobra.   Cobra is a trademark of Ford and Factory Five Racing is not connected to the mark.