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Wade's Cobra!

At the Dyno - April 2002

*Note* The Factory Five 427 kit is not an original 1965 427 Cobra.   Cobra is a trademark of Ford and Factory Five Racing is not connected to the mark.

April 13, 2002 - Dyno Tune Motorsports from Columbus, OH brought their dyno to Fairmont.  FFR #2084K pulled a respectable 211 rear wheel horsepower and 275 foot pounds of torque.


To view a short video of Wade's Cobra on the dyno, CLICK HERE.

To view another short video of Wade's Cobra on the dyno, CLICK HERE.

To view a short video of Guy Baroni's 2000 Vett on the dyno, CLICK HERE.

Cobra gets lots of attention What, no 427??? Ketchup and mustard?
Cobra making its run Watching the computer screen Guy's C5 turned over 300 RWHP
Dyno computer printout for Cobra    


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